Eating Off The Road
and enjoying nature's canvas
by Bob Harris
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About the Book
Outdoor photography full page 48%
Recipes for the Outdoor traveler 48%
Bit of humor while cooking 4%
Title has nothing to to with road kill . . . .
I thought of it as 4 star quality cooking and being just off the road in a scenic area no regular restaurant can match!
Recipes for the Outdoor traveler 48%
Bit of humor while cooking 4%
Title has nothing to to with road kill . . . .
I thought of it as 4 star quality cooking and being just off the road in a scenic area no regular restaurant can match!
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About the Creator
Bob Harris
Northridge, CA
Enjoy traveling by motorhome and my Jeep; combine with outdoor photography and cooking and you get an inetresting cook book and also 45 minute video movies of how to enjoy the outdoors.